From April 10th to 16th, Doc. Yun Seok Kim, Doc Seok joon Joo, and general manager Jae Yong Jung went on a business trip to Baku Azerbaijan to bid for Crescent City TMD. TESolution suggested 300 ton pendulum type TMD and the project owner invited us so that we could present our proposal and introduce our technology. The owner, CM, constructor(STRABAG) and KOTRA attended the meeting and they were quite impressed with TESolution's technology. We hope this is our first step towards becoming not only the Korea's best but to be recognized as one of the most well known vibration control specialists.
The photo shows doc. Seok Jun Joo explaining about the project.
TESolution tested vibration isolation table's(ITS2) anti-vibration performance at earthquake prevention lab at Busan University. KOLAS certification test evaluates the performance of the vibration isolation table and the test conductor told us ITS2's performance test result probably shows the highest score.
In order to reduce vibration caused by the wind load, TMD vibration control device was installed inside the main girder of the bridge and this is not only the first time in Korean bridge construction history but also is a very rare case on an international level as well. This is especially more meaningful since TESolution designed, manufactured, installed and tested the device and was involved in most of the procedures.
The photo shows the exterior of the TMD and testing of the device and we were able to prove that our vibration control device indeed is very good at reducing vibration by significantly increasing damping ratio. Also, wind load as well as the vibration caused by the moving vehicles were also well under TMD's control. Since this TMD is permanently installed inside the bridge's main girder, we expect it to continuously play an important role reducing vibration in the future. |
News from TESolutionArchives
January 2025